Principal Solicitor
Brenda is the Principal Solicitor at Wagga Family Lawyers. Brenda graduated from the University of Sydney with degrees in Law and Science. Brenda is an experienced lawyer who has practiced in various areas of law for over 25 years in both Australia and England and has practiced exclusively in Family Law for the past 15 years. Brenda is admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and to the High Court of Australia as well as the Supreme Court of England and Wales. Brenda is also a certified Collaborative Practitioner and has been enrolled as a Member of the Law Council of Australia Family Law Section since 2001.
Brenda practices in all areas of Family Law including children’s and property matters and regularly appears on behalf of clients in the Family and Federal Circuit Courts. Brenda also has significant experience representing children in Court in high-risk parenting matters as an Independent Children’s Lawyer.
Brenda is committed to helping her clients navigate the separation process in the most cost effective and timeliest way possible. Brenda believes that Court should be the last resort to resolve your family law matter. She recognises the importance of understanding the unique needs of every client and providing them with advice to suit their individual circumstances and providing options to resolve their matter. Brenda regularly represents clients at mediation but is also confident litigating in both parenting and complex property matters if the matter is not able to be resolved by agreement between the parties.
Outside of work, Brenda lives in Wagga Wagga with her husband and 2 children. She enjoys reading, food and travel.